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Movis' Employees

Our counsellors all hold degrees from a University of Applied Sciences, are trained social workers or psychologists, and have a wide range of professional experience and specialisations. We work on the premise that individuals have the capacity for self-development and support them in helping themselves. Our activities are based on a systemic counselling approach, and we work in a solution- and resource-oriented way. Our counselling approach is based on respect, dignity and recognition: with regard to the situation of other people and their way of life.

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Team Leader Counselling

Movis Lucerne

raphael.adam(a) +41 41 422 12 92
Administrative Specialist

Movis Olten +41 62 205 70 91
Account Manager

Movis St. Gallen, Uzwil

kevin.asprin(a) +41 71 220 99 29
Team Leader Counselling

Movis Schaffhausen

regula.bamert(a) +41 52 209 01 15
Team Leader Central Services
Marketing Officer

Movis Zurich (Head office)

daniela.barci(a) +41 44 387 58 96
Team Leader Counselling

Movis Geneva

aline.baumgartner(a) +41 22 900 04 08

Movis Zurich (consulting site)

andrea.beck(a) +41 44 454 20 96
Accounting Officer

Movis Zurich (Head office)

daniela.berger(a) +41 44 387 58 90
Executive & HR Assistant

Zürich (Head office)

sonja.bernhard(a) +41 44 252 67 88
CEO / Delegate of the BOD

Movis Zurich (Head office)

martin.bircher(a) +41 44 387 58 95
Head of Intake & Digital Counselling

Movis Lucerne

jeanine.brunner(a) +41 41 422 12 91
Head of Corporate Consulting

Movis Winterthur

jonas.brunner(a) +41 44 387 58 98
Team Leader
Account Manager

Movis Lausanne

yasmine.coquoz(a) +41 21 323 55 02
Administrative Specialist

Movis Zurich (Head office)

yolanda.difede(a) +41 44 262 38 05
Product & Quality Specialist

Movis Berne

joerg.eigenmann(a) +41 62 751 07 70
Intake Specialist

Movis Winterthur, Olten

serena.faoro(a) +41 44 251 25 69

Movis Zurich (consulting site)

franziska.frei(a) +41 44 454 20 91

Movis Buchs, Heerbrugg, Chur

manuela.galbier(a) +41 71 220 12 65
Head of ICT

Movis Zurich (Head office)

marko.galic(a) +41 44 262 26 02
Intake Specialist

Movis Zurich (consulting site)

maya.gerber(a) +41 44 387 58 93
Account Manager

Movis Schaffhausen, Winterhur

susanne.ghaboussi(a) +41 52 209 01 12

Movis Winterthur, Schaffhausen +41 52 209 01 29
Team Leader Counselling

Movis Zurich (consulting site)

elisa.hoecke(a) +41 44 387 58 91
Counsellor / EAP Manager

Movis Zurich (consulting site)

sabine.hubschmid(a) +41 44 454 20 90
Team Leader Training

Movis Zurich (consulting site), Winterthur, Olten +41 52 209 01 18
Team Leader Counselling

Movis Buchs, Heerbrugg

mathias.kuster(a) +41 71 220 99 12

Movis Zurich (consulting site)

sabine.kuster(a) +41 44 454 20 95

Movis Zurich (Head office), Winterthur, Olten +41 52 209 01 20
Account Manager
Product & Quality Specialist

Movis Brugg, Olten

michaela.mueller(a) +41 61 363 06 74

Movis Biel, Movis Berne

fidan.perto(a) +41 26 321 39 19
Account Manager

Movis Zurich (consulting site) +41 44 260 19 70

Movis St. Gallen, Heerbrugg

katharina.pilz(a) +41 71 220 36 45
Intake Specialist

Movis Zurich (consulting site)

brigitte.porath(a) +41 44 454 20 97

Movis Zurich (consulting site)

line.praest(a) +41 71 220 99 21
Accounting Officer

Movis Zurich (Head office)

aisha.rajaratnam(a) +41 44 387 58 88
Commercial apprentice EFZ

Movis Zurich (Head office)

djibril.rodriguez(a) +41 52 209 01 25
Head of HR

Zurich (Head office), Olten

melanie.rubio(a) +41 44 252 41 14
Deputy Team Leader Training

Movis Sion, Lausanne

corinna.schoetzfavre(a) +41 21 323 55 06

Movis Zurich (consulting site)

andrea.schwab(a) +41 52 209 01 23
Product & Quality Specialist

Movis La Chaux-de-Fonds

marieclaude.simon(a) +41 32 913 55 40

Movis Zurich (consulting site)

beat.vassalli(a) +41 44 454 20 98
Head of Region

Movis Winterthur, Zurich

kaspar.vidal(a) +41 52 209 01 11
Marketing & Graphics Specialist

Movis Zurich (Head office)

bettina.wachter(a) +41 52 209 01 26
Specialist Product Management /
Member of the BOD

Movis St. Gallen

sandra.wellauer(a) +41 71 220 99 26

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